This disease, known as 'Yellow Spot Disease' among the people, refers to the pathologies in the macula region, which is expressed as the visual center. This region is the most important part of the retina, which provides us with color vision and 90% of our visual acuity. The most common disease among macular diseases is 'Age-Related Macular Disease', that is, 'Age-Related Yellow Spot Disease', the frequency of which is increasing gradually due to the prolongation of life expectancy.
The most important pathology in the emergence of the disease is aging in the retinal layers. As a result of the decrease in these functions of the retina, gradually increasing deposits occur under the retina, as the metabolic wastes that occur during the visual function will be thrown away and the removal of them by the vascular layer under the retina will deteriorate over time. Abnormal vascular formations under the retina as a result of the picture created by these deposits and visual loss as a result of hemorrhages are the most prominent features. The patient initially applies to the physician with complaints such as reading difficulties, broken, distorted, fluctuating vision, and color vision disorder.
Yellow spot disease develops after a process in which genetic and environmental factors play a role, depending on age. Age-related macular degeneration (Yellow spot disease) has two stages as early and late stages;
In the early stage, there are pigmentary changes in the macula and lipid (fat) accumulations called "drusen" that accumulate in the subretinal tissues. Visual acuity is normal. The late stage is divided into wet - exudative - type or dry - atrophic - type, in this stage there is vision loss.
Although the atrophic type, known as the dry type, is present in approximately 80% of the patients, the exudative type, that is, the wet type, is responsible for 80-90% of vision loss. Atrophic vision loss develops over years. In the atrophic type, vision decreases to 0.1% approximately 10 years after the onset of symptoms. In the exudative type, vision loss is more sudden. Vision loss occurs, on average, at the age of 75 years. There is a linear increase in incidence after the age of 50. Late type macular degeneration (with vision damage) occurs in 2% of those over 50, 0.7–1.4% of those over 65, and 11–19% after 85 years of age.
Blurred vision, blurred vision...
The middle of the images is blurred, but the edges appear normal.
Wavy appearance of straight lines such as electricity poles, door-window edges, lines of writing.
Appearance of a dark or empty area in the middle of the visual field.
If left untreated, severe vision loss occurs. It is one of the leading causes of blindness. However, there is no treatment to improve vision. Efforts are being made to maintain the decreased vision at that level.
Risk factors
When the risk factors that increase the disease are examined, the most important risk factor that is not discussed and whose effectiveness is certain is age. The disease increases with age. In addition, the presence of hypertension, high blood lipids and family history are important factors.
On the other hand, eye and some eye-related factors also carry risks of this disease. Especially light-colored eyes, hyperopia and people with cataract surgery fall into the priority risk group. Heavy smokers constitute an important risk group. Smoking lowers the serum antioxidant level and impairs blood flow. Again, with this mechanism, the risk of macular degeneration decreases in people who have a diet rich in vitamin A – C and who use antioxidants (zinc, magnesium, selenium) for various reasons. Exposure to the sun increases the risk of the disease.
The incidence of the disease increases with advancing age. While the incidence is 25 percent between the ages of 70-74, it is seen almost 100 percent over the age of 90. Disease is an important factor that reduces vision to 10 percent or less in close to 2 percent of people over the age of 65.
Dry type: There is no treatment method. It is said that various vitamin and element supplements and drugs with some antioxidant properties can slow the course of the disease. Improvements in nutritional and environmental conditions are recommended.
Wet type: It is possible to regress the veins that develop abnormally and damage the macula instead of benefiting it by laser burning in the very early period.
In recent years, some new treatment methods have been developed for the regression of new vessels developing under the full yellow spot. For example, in photodynamic therapy, light-sensitive drugs are given intravenously to the body. These drugs absorb laser light more easily than normal human tissues, pathological vessels under the retina contain these photosensitive drugs at a higher rate than the surrounding tissues, accordingly, the applied laser light selectively affects this pathological tissue. This treatment is called "photodynamic laser therapy".
Drugs developed against some biological active substances involved in the formation of vessels in this disease have also taken the first place in this treatment in recent years. A type of protein (anti-VEGF antibody) is used in the treatment of intraocular injections. Anti-VEGF drugs, which are administered by needle injection into the eye, are approved by the FDA in the treatment of the age type of macular degeneration, which is seen in one out of every three people between the ages of 75 and 85. The anti-VEGF drug used during the treatment prevents vision loss by inhibiting the protein secreted by the eye cells behind the eye in case of disease and forming new vessels. The drug, which is injected into the eye at intervals of 4 - 6 weeks, stops the development of new vessels in the yellow spot and greatly reduces the patient's complaints. The injection is administered at least 3 times; but there are also patients who are applied more. Injection intervals vary between 4 and 6 weeks, depending on the patient's response to treatment.
If the yellow spot is not treated, vision decreases by 95% and eventually a severe vision loss develops.